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Announcement on the 2024 TWICE FANMEETING [HOME 9ROUND]

2024-09-23 03:00

Hello, this is JYPE.


Thank you for your support for the 2024 TWICE FANMEETING [HOME 9ROUND]

We are receiving ideas for the fan event, so please check the information below.


[TWICE Fanmeeting Fan Event Idea Submission]


*Submission Method: Please include [TWICE Fanmeeting] at the beginning of your email title. (※ Emails sent without the title cannot be checked.)


*Submission Period: 2024.09.23 ~ 2024.9.29 (KST)


*Email Recipient: fan@jype.com


*Winner Announcement: 2024.09.30 (KST) (Individual emails will be sent out to winners)


We look forward to hearing your ideas.


Thank you.